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Bilingual Lexicon Construction from Comparable Corpora via Dependency Mapping

Bilingual lexicon construction (BLC) from comparable corpora is based on the idea that bilingual similar words tend to occur in similar contexts, usually of words. This, however, introduces noise and leads to low performance. This paper proposes a bilingual dependency mapping model for BLC which encodes a word’s context as a combination of its dependent words and their relationships. This combi...

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[The conversion and the similarities and differences of Chinese and English punctuation in English translation for traditional Chinese medicine].

标点符号是文字语言不可缺少的、强有力的辅 助。正确运用标点符号可以帮助读者分清句子结 构 ,辨明语气 , 准确了解文意。标点符号在语言信息 的传递与处理过程中起着很重要的作用 , 但一些初 学中医英译者对这一点重视不够。 语篇中一个成分与另一个可以与之相互解释的 成分之间的关系 ,有四种衔接手段 , 即照应、省略 ( 包 括替代 )、连接、词汇衔接。汉语语篇的衔接与英语 是相似的。事实上 , 标点符号作为文字语言不可缺 少的辅助 ,在语篇中的衔接作用是很明显的。例如 : 分号将前后两个并列的分句连接起来 , 体现了两个 分句的并列或对比的逻辑关系 ; 冒号标示前后文提 示性逻辑关系 ;括号标明符号内外注释性逻辑关系 ; 破折号标明符号前后之间解释说明、补充说明或语 义突然转变的逻辑关系。标点符号是文字里面有机 的部分 ,不是外加上去的。它跟旧式的句读号不同 , 不仅仅是怕读者读不断 ...

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Dairy propionibacteria as human probiotics: A review of recent evidence

Probiotics have been the subject of intensive research, mainly focusing on bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria. However, there is evidence that dairy propionibacteria also display probiotic properties, which as yet have been underestimated. The aim of this paper is to review recent data which report probiotic characteristics of dairy propionibacteria and to distinctly organise them based on...

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[Evaluation of clinical therapeutic effect for traditional Chinese medicine].

传统中医药临床疗效评价的重要性在于 : ( 1) 科 学传承中医药优秀的临床实践经验 ,以代代相传 , 更 好地为病人服务 ; ( 2) 探索和建立符合中医药特点的 评价参照系 , 以更加贴切地反映中医药学术特色 ; (3 )对虚假和不实事求是的评价以及评价不当者予 以纠正。 评价医药疗效应强调四性 ( 4R ) : ( 1 ) 合理性 ( ra tionality ) :其理论思维、病证结合的评估标准以 及统计学要求合理 ; ( 2) 重复性 ( replication ) :其疗效 结论主客观误差小 , 经得起他人重复 ; ( 3 ) 随机性 ( randomization) :设计/ 观察/ 验证及后续都能体现 ; (4 )代表性 ( represen tativeness ) : 基本可以反映当代 实际医疗水平。 评价疗效的标准要求 : ( 1) 应采用合理的国际及 国内统一...

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Exploiting Lexical Dependencies from Large-Scale Data for Better Shift-Reduce Constituency Parsing

This paper proposes a method to improve shift-reduce constituency parsing by using lexical dependencies. The lexical dependency information is obtained from a large amount of auto-parsed data that is generated by a baseline shift-reduce parser on unlabeled data. We then incorporate a set of novel features defined on this information into the shift-reduce parsing model. The features can help to ...

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  با ذخیره ی این منبع در منابع من، دسترسی به آن را برای استفاده های بعدی آسان تر کنید


عنوان ژورنال: Chinese Science Bulletin

سال: 1985

ISSN: 0023-074X

DOI: 10.1360/csb1985-30-7-558